Positions in Sustainable Agriculture

SAEA is dedicated to the promotion and development of sustainable agriculture education. One way to accomplish this is to provide resources for people seeking positions in this field. Below is a list of websites that list the job postings. Please contact saea.information- at- gmail.com if you have a suggested resource for us to post.

General Posting in Sustainable Agriculture

Jobs at Eco Farm

Good Food Jobs

Green Collar’s Green Job Board

Sustainable Food Jobs


Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada 

Academic Posting Web sites

American Society for Horticultural Science

Chronicle of Higher Education

Government Web sites

USDA Careers

Farm Internship / Apprenticeships

ATTRA List of internships

California Certified Organic Farmers Employment and Internship/Apprenticeship Classifieds 

Beginning Farm and Ranch Management Apprenticeship Program 

Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA)

Center for Environmental Farming Systems – Internship Program

Center for Environmental Farming Systems – Apprenticeship Program

Rogue Farm Corps

Tilth Producer’s Apprenticeship Placement Service