Open Space Dialogues
Next Open Space Call
Date TBD. Check back soon!
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SAEA is undergoing some important changes, primed by a commitment by the Steering Council to sustain the interactive, participatory, and empowering learning environments of our national conferences. We recognize that you, the members, are a crucial part of creating that dynamic. To that end, the Steering Council would like to invite you to join our new monthly “Open Space Dialogues.”
The purpose of these online gatherings is to deepen the relationships among sustainable agriculture educators across the country and to engage a larger cohort of active SAEA members in making decisions about our organization’s priorities and practices.
We hope this space will become an informal yet “safe” collegial space for people to share teaching/learning practices, ask for support from peers, and make suggestions for how SAEA can improve or build new educational resources (eg. the curriculum library), communications channels (eg. newsletter, Facebook/Twitter), activities (eg. anti-racism webinars), or any other tools to better serve you all.
This is the first step. Eventually, we would like to move toward an organizational model in which a larger cohort of active SAEA members, as opposed to the Steering Council, forms the “core” of decision-makers and doers in shaping this organization.
We welcome every SAEA member – as well as folks interested in becoming members – to join!
Note: If you have special needs that preclude Zoom use, please write to us at, and we will do our best to enable you to participate.