Featured Resource: Organic Agriculture Modules for Teaching Undergraduate Students
Thanks to funding by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative Accession #1007232) to Jabbour from 2015-2018.
Dr. Randa Jabbour (University of Wyoming) and colleagues have created a series of modules consisting of lesson plans and resources for teaching a selection of topics related to organic agriculture. The areas focused on within these modules are partially in response to the results of interviews with 19 faculty members who teach on organic agriculture – most of whom rarely or minimally covered the topics of livestock production and social dimensions. Other topics, such as certification and marketing, were indicated as being quite important and included to highlight producer perspectives. The lessons within each module are not dependent on one another, and all components can be “plugged in” to classes as relevant – for example, you could consider using a lesson from the pest management module within an Integrated Pest Management class not specific to organic agriculture.
Lessons and activities largely rely on student-centered learning approaches, including responses to readings or films and guidelines for productive and engaging discussions that can be adopted in face-to-face classes and online. Most resources referenced in these modules are open-access or freely available. Several lessons are built around an original film series “Organic Producer Perspectives” created as part of this project that entirely consists of the edited interviews of certified organic farmers and ranchers from the United States.
Please reach out to Randa at rjabbour@uwyo.edu with any questions or comments regarding this project. Thank you for your interest.
Organic Producer Perspectives
SAEA Teaching Resources Curriculum Library
SAEA is excited to have the Sustainable Agriculture Teaching Resources Library open and available to the public!
This link will redirect you to sync.com where the material are housed. Please go to the resource library and view the material we have available. We are always looking for new material so please contact us with your additions.
This Library serves educators, farmers, students, staff, and administrators who focus on the teaching and learning of sustainable agriculture at the adult and higher education levels by providing an open forum for sharing teaching resources. The SAEA Teaching Resources Library contains; syllabi, degree program documentation, lab and field exercises, photos, videos, and assignments. The library will also serves as a repository for SAEA conference proceedings. An outcome of the 2007 SAEA conference, the Library has received generous support from the Kellogg Foundation, The Alfred R. Mann Library at Cornell University and the National Agricultural Library.
To make additions or edits to the Curriculum Library, please contact saea.information@gmail.com
Food Justice Curriculum Project
The Food Justice Curriculum Project is an ongoing, collaborative effort between the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society and the Sustainable Agriculture Education Association. Together, we collect curricular materials (syllabi, assignments, activities) that address justice in the food system and make those materials publicly available to educators and community practitioners.
If you have materials you would like to share, please send them to foodjusticepedagogy@afhvs.org.

Webinars, Lessons, and Conference Recordings
Visit our Youtube channel to find videos of previous webinars, conference presentations, and recorded lessons!
This channel includes content produced directly by or in partnership with SAEA as well as resources shared with permission from our partner organizations and institutions.