Past Conferences

2022 SAEA Conference
This year we celebrated our 10th biennial Conference! It was held this July 21-24, 2022 hosted by the national SAEA and Ohio chapter.
2018 O’ahu, HI
2018 National Sustainable Agriculture Education Association Conference + Hoʻōla ʻĀina O Māʻilikūkahi D Youth Food Sovereignty Congress
2016 Santa Cruz, CA
7th National Conference on Sustainable Agriculture Education, July 29-31, 2016, University of California at Santa Cruz
2011 Lexington, KY
Conference, co-hosted by the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, UK Sustainable Agriculture Program and the Virginia Tech Civic Agriculture and Food Systems Program.
2009 Ames, IA
July 15-17 | Ames, Iowa The third national conference on educational issues related to sustainable agriculture programs in higher education was held 15-17 July 2009, in Ames, Iowa.
2007 Ithaca, NY
On July 11-14, 2007, a national conference on post-secondary sustainable agriculture
education was held at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.